Even though there are so many mods, there are only a few exceptions (that are extraordinary) that will seem strange to players. Added option to Krane to reset the guild if you have an amnesia potion on you, Added option to Krane to allow you to trade with him, Slaver's Guild - Added option to Krane to clear the basement of prisoners, Slaver's Guild - (Possibly) fixed switched names between the Whiterun and Winterhold prisons when a slaver is imprisoned, Other minor bugs I may have forgotten about. But this mod is as close as you’ll get to reviving the Oblivion arena as possible. How cool is would it be to have a nine to five job in Skyrim? Happy Modding! Skyrim Creation Kit is the tool that Bethesda used to create Skyrim. Wood Elves, High Elves, and Khajit will now be able to join the ranks of the mythical Thalmor. It's a great mod … Added MCM display showing which Holds members are imprisoned in. Number 1 rule, Don't be a jerk! What’s even better is that the Forsworn Legacy mod comes fully voiced, and all new characters include custom voices that you can enjoy in the game.

Top 5 Skyrim Mods trawls the enormous mod catalogue so you don't have to, bringing the very best world-changing mods to your screen. Fixed posted dungeon guards not leaving the dungeon, for sure this time. The range is like so: Talentless -> Unskilled -> Average -> Skilled -> Expert.